4 W Seminary  St - Liberty, Indiana

Edwards Memorial United Methodist Church

Left to right- Krista Burton-Teacher, Denise Scott-Teacher, Chrissy Burroughs-Teacher, Director/Teacher: Christine Volz

OCTOBER 21-25 is our FALL BREAK  Preschool will not meet this week..

[▫️] Come sign your 3, 4 or 5 year old up for preschool for the 2024-2025 school session.

[▫️]  Not sure you’re ready to send your little one to preschool just yet? Stop by, take a tour of the school and chat with one of our teachers to ease your worries.

* An $80 non-refundable deposit is required.
* Copy of the child’s immunization records is required
* must be 3 by August. 1 and potty trained.

* AM session: 8:30-11:30
* PM session: 12:30-3:30

Lil Friends of the Library Pre-School
 Telephone: 765-458-7480
Visit us on Facebook